Sales Thursday 7:00 pm

Thursday Sales this Week. 7:00 pmSome possibilities to harvest include: Rhubarb, Mesclun lettuce and possibly red and green, garlic scapes, radishes, kale, herbs

Sales Sunday 2:00 pm

A few things are ready to be harvested. A variety of herbs and garlic scapes are among them. Sunday 2:00 pm sales.

PNG Expansion Celebration June 21st, 2014

The expansion of Parkview Neighbourhood Garden is complete. The plants are planted, watered, and weeded, and the ribbon has been cut. Lynne Kozina, chair, Parkview Neighbourhood Garden spoke and thanked…

Before. . . and . . . After – Come Celebrate Our New Digs

Remember 2013? Our Garden Has Blossomed in 2014 Come Celebrate Our New Digs – Saturday June 21st @ Noon

Parkview Garden Expansion Celebration Saturday June 21st @ Noon

Parkview Neighbourhood Garden Celebrates Expansion Parkview Neighbourhood Garden has been growing since 2008, but this year is a “bumper crop“. We have expanded to the adjacent property on Parkview Avenue…

Spotlight On Volunteers: Jerome, Carolina & Philip Wong

Jerome and Carolina are parents to 3 year old Philip. They have been regular weekly volunteers at the garden since August of 2013. Gardener Parkview interviewed them, as part of…

Christopher Radko on Lavender Love

EXCLUSIVE Guest Author Christopher Radko: LAVENDER LOVE A timeless and aromatic plant, true lavender has been cultivated since the time of Cleopatra, who, it is said, considered it an aphrodisiac….

Rototilling with the BIG boys

The Parkview Garden Expansion is in full swing. The city has been involved in the construction and saved the day by sending by the BIG rototilling guns to help us…

Bee Nest Boxes in the Garden

Scott McIvor approached our garden to place a bee nest box as part of his post-graduate studies at U of T. He gathered data from many such boxes as part…

May the garden, and you, be flourishing from today, and all the days to come.

A neighbour in an apartment building to the west of Parkview Garden has been keeping an eye on our garden expansion. She shared this photo she took along with her…