Prepping Vegetables

PNG Visit to Gibson House March 7, 2015

18 members of PNG met with two interpreters from Gibson House on March 7, 2015. We started in the kitchen where we chopped and mixed to make soda bread baked…

North York Front Yard Grden Contest

2014 North York Front Yard Garden Contest

We won! Parkview Neighbourhood Garden received an Award of Distinction in the 2014 North York Front Yard Garden Contest in the Non-Residential category. Congratulations to everyone whose vision, hard work, and…

Ontario Beekeepers launched a lawsuit against Bayer and Syngenta

                      This morning the Ontario Beekeepers launched a lawsuit against Bayer and Syngenta – the manufacturers of bee killing neonicotinoid…

Training the next generation of volunteers

Volunteers of All Ages

Training the next generation of volunteers

Garlic Harvest

This year we have both soft neck and hard neck garlic.

Thursday Sales at 6:30 now

Thursday Sales at 6:30 now

Gibson House Summer Day Camp Visitors

On a recent Wednesday, volunteer Nan Davey, hosted a group of school-age children from our neighbour across Yonge Street, Gibson House Summer Day Camp. Nan talked about planting and the…

Sun & Rain in July is Just What the Garden Needs

Remember: Sales Sundays at 2 pm and Thursdays at 7pm One of our potato patches Thai Pink Tomatoes Radishes have been a big seller already Red Leaf Lettuce Chives Sage…

Volunteer Visitor

We have a very diverse group of volunteers. Recently, one of the group leaders was approached by a neighbour who said her father-in-law was visiting from China for several months…

New Fruit Trees Planted

A number of fruit trees were purchased for the garden and planted in our little orchard in June. Another plum and ear tree among them.