In the Garden: September Blooms Continue!

More beautiful blooms continue during these “September Summer” days!  Enjoy!

In the Garden: September Blooms & More!

September is upon us and PNG continues to bloom with beautiful zinnias and sunflowers! We are delighted that the Monarch butterflies have returned!  

In the Garden: More August Blooms!

PNG continues to bloom at the end of August!

In the Garden: August Blooms still going strong!

With August ending soon, PNG continues to bloom!

Make Salsa Verde with Tomatillos!

With tomatillos harvested from PNG, you can make this delicious salsa recipe from Martha Stewart! SALSA VERDE Freshly prepared salsa verde is an addictive chip dip. Tomatillos are available year-round…

In the Garden: Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ladybugs,bumblebees, carrots and long squash at PNG!  

In the Garden: August 15th Sales Day

We had a bountiful harvest on Sales night Tuesday, August 15th!

In the Garden: August Veggies!

Many beautiful veggies and Morning Glories in bloom and ready for sale! Enjoy!

In the Garden: More August Blooms!

Lovely blooms continue thru August!  

In the Garden: Zinniafest and more August blooms!

Beautiful sunflowers, zinnias, a gorgeous front garden and many beautiful blooms!