We’ve been very busy this past weekend planting away! Thanks so much to all of our volunteers for helping out! Anyone is welcome to join us at any of our shifts throughout the season. Here are a few pictures to highlight our recent activity:
- Cold frame plants ready for the ground!
- Planting Squash
- Planting eggplant
- Tripod to support long melons
- Team Work – assembling Tripod
- Assembling Tripod
- Securing Tripod
- Assembling Large “A” Frame for the beans!
- Securing the Large “A” – Frame
- Digging holes for the small “A” Frame
- Team Effort assembling small “A” Frame
- Securing the small “A” Frame
- Earth Worm ejecting something!
- “A” frames Assembled – front view
- “A” Frames Assembled – back view
- Planting Squash underneath the “A” Frame
- Planting Crookneck Squash
- Finished Planting Crookneck Squash!