Beautiful pics of what’s blooming in the garden!
Our wonderful selection of herbs:
- Lavender
- Garlic chives
- Comfrey with its pink bells
- Chives with their pink blossoms
- Sage in full bloom
- Variegated thyme
Promises of wonderful fruit to come!
- We’ll have a bumper crop of raspberries
- And anjou pears!
- The first apples from our orchard!
- Gooseberries
Almost ready to harvest!
- Peas climbing the post
- New Zealand spinach
- Radishes popping out of the ground
- We’ll have a bean feast soon
- Garlic scapes which will be harvested very soon
- And garlic! Yum!
We have flowers too!
- Bright daisies along the curb
- We’ll have yellow and orange nasturtiums. You can garnish your salads with these
- Our front garden welcomes you .
- Front Garden
Other things in the garden
- Our two new raised beds for herbs
- Artistic planting!
- Wood chips donated by the city used mostly for our footpaths
- Planting 1 of our newly acquired blueberry bushes – the “3in1”