Category Archives: Planting

Example of Sign for Perennial Planting

New Signs to Guide Your Visit

Have you noticed our new signs this fall? Thanks to a generous grant from the bursary program of the Landscape Ontario Toronto Chapter, we brought in a number of soil…

Seedlings awaiting planting

April and May Work Projects

April 2019 Fruit Pruning and Maintenance When: Saturday April 6, 2019 from 10 AM – 12 noon AND Saturday April 13, 2019 from 10 AM – 12 noon Location: Parkview…

2018 Season Ends

We ended the 2018 season with a damp and cold day on Saturday, October 27th, but 18 hardy souls ventured out how to help with our garden clean up. Markus O’Brien…

Food bank donation

Fall Garden Clean-Up Day October 27, 2018

Saturday, October 27, starting at 9:30 Volunteers are needed for our annual clean-up day, as we prepare the garden for the winter. We will spend the early part of the day removing…

Fall Harvest Update

We have had a great year for harvesting but the cold, wet days will bring the season to an end soon. Our last sales day is Tuesday, October 23, 2018….

Seedlings awaiting planting

Update on 2018 Season

Spring is here and there is lots to do in the garden! If you enjoy working with plants, meeting your neighbours and being out in the fresh air, please join…

Mid-Summer Harvest Update

 While the hot and dry weather has been challenging to work around, our dedicated volunteers have been regularly weeding and watering to keep the garden going, and their hard work…

End of 2017 Season

All good things must come to an end, and in this case, a somewhat muddy end,  Through the rain and drizzle, a hardy group of 15 volunteers harvested the last…

Food bank donation

Food Bank Donation

  Saturday October 28 was our final harvest of the 2017 season. We had a bounty of tomatoes, jerusalem artichokes, greens and herbs which we were able to donate to…

PNG Fall Harvest Day October 28, 2017

The 2017 growing season is coming to a close, and we need your help to prepare the garden for winter. We need to harvest any remaining vegetables, pull plants out…