Category Archives: Planting

Sow It Begins!

Our first volunteer work party of the 2025 season took place on Sunday, February 16th. A large group of volunteers braved knee high snow to winter sow cabbage, lettuce, leeks, kale,…

2024 Year End Volunteer Celebration

2024 Season Ends

We completed our final clean up of the 2024 garden, and then celebrated the season with our volunteers. Delectable dishes were contributed by volunteers, featuring garden produce where we could….

Volunteers working in the garden

Want to Volunteer?

Interested in volunteering at our garden? If you are new to the garden and want to receive emails about 2025 volunteering, please send an email to [email protected]. We work in…

Picture of produce that has been harvested

What We Harvest and Where It Goes

At Parkview Neighbourhood Garden, we split our produce between local food charities, and our volunteers and neighbours. Starting in May, we harvest directly for donation to local not-for-profit organizations such…

Empty strings fro our tomato trellis

End of Season 2023

Parkview Neighbourhood Garden concluded yet another successful season. Thanks to our 40+ volunteers of all ages, we grew enough this year to directly donate 470 lbs of food to neighbourhood…

Time for Tomatillos!

By Liz Carman, PNG Volunteer We are growing a large number of tomatillos at Parkview Neighbourhood Garden, and our volunteer Liz is a real afficianado. She harvested and canned up some…

Leaves spread on garden beds for winter

End of 2022 Season

Our last volunteer event in the garden was October 30, 2022.  We harvested our remaining jerusalem artichokes and prepared our garlic for fall planting.  We ended with a celebration pot…

Garlic prepped for distribution

Garlic’s Epic Journey to The Table

It takes 9 months of work to get garlic to the table. We plant in October, weed and water and protect it until July, harvest it, cure it and then…

Instagram instructional videos

Part Two: Starting a Garden

By Michel Klamph   If you followed my instructions in my previous post, you probably have some seedlings sprouting by now.    Sprouting Once you see your herbs sprouting, take…

Joan Steele

Remembering Joan Steele

By: Nan Davey Two years ago this month, we lost a friend and loyal volunteer to cancer.  Her name was Joan Steele. Joan was an experienced and dependable volunteer.  I…