Category Archives: InGarden

Bright daisies along the curb

In the Garden: Beautiful Blooms June 12, 2015

Beautiful pics of what’s blooming in the garden! Our wonderful selection of herbs: Promises of wonderful fruit to come! Almost ready to harvest! We have flowers too! Other things in…

painting rocks

In the Garden: Rock On! June 5, 2015

Just rocking along… More painted rocks for our Children’s Hand Garden!

"A" frames

In the Garden: May 29 to May 31, 2015

We’ve been very busy this past weekend planting away!  Thanks so much to all of our volunteers for helping out!  Anyone is welcome to join us at any of our…

In the Garden: May 23 to May 24, 2015 Doors Open

It was a lovely weekend in the garden with the sun shining and lots of planting activity. Our neighbours at John McKenzie House participated in Toronto’s annual Doors Open event,…

Compost Arrival May 9, 2015

Compost arrived this week, so several volunteers spent Saturday morning shoveling compost into wheelbarrows and dumping it onto garden beds. The rest of the volunteers continued with the weeding. There’s…

Soil Preparation in South Garden

Soil Preparation May 2, 2015

The first event of the growing season was held on Saturday, May 2 – soil preparation. Although we didn’t get compost delivered during the week by the City as we…

Ontario Beekeepers launched a lawsuit against Bayer and Syngenta

                      This morning the Ontario Beekeepers launched a lawsuit against Bayer and Syngenta – the manufacturers of bee killing neonicotinoid…

Training the next generation of volunteers

Volunteers of All Ages

Training the next generation of volunteers

Garlic Harvest

This year we have both soft neck and hard neck garlic.

Thursday Sales at 6:30 now

Thursday Sales at 6:30 now